Medicinal marijuana - application in herbal medicine, treatment of cancer, multiple sclerosis

While some consider it a dangerous drug that negatively affects the work of the brain, others see its green leaves as an effective remedy for the treatment of serious diseases. Of course, we are talking about marijuana, which has not ceased to be controversial for years. Recently, the problem of the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes has returned to the languages. Are these considerations really completely unfounded?

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The healing properties of marijuana

The healing properties of marijuana have been known for hundreds of years. In ancient India and China, it was popular to use its flowers to treat skin lesions such as ulcers and burns. The seeds, on the other hand, were found to be a great anti-inflammatory, laxative and deworming medicine. The oil produced from them was used as a conditioner to improve the condition of the hair. But that's not all. The resinous extract of this plant was the basis of an alcoholic drink that was supposed to relieve migraine headaches and at the same time was a natural sleep aid.

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Medicinal marijuana and multiple sclerosis

Smoking marijuana is increasingly practiced by patients suffering from multiple sclerosis. The development of the disease leads to a significant limitation of motor abilities, which is accompanied by severe pains, which in many cases cannot be relieved by traditional means. Medicinal marijuana comes in handy and at the same time helps to reduce muscle stiffness. Research on its actual effectiveness is still ongoing, but a cannabis-based drug has been created in Canada for patients struggling with MS. This type of therapy raises many doubts in the medical community. Both doctors and scientists emphasize that the effects of long-term use of medicinal marijuana are not exactly known. Moreover, the safety of taking psychoactive substances by people whose cognitive functions are impaired as a result of multiple sclerosis is questioned.

Marijuana and oncological diseases

Research by British scientists shows that marijuana may prove to be helpful in cancer treatment. Their tests show that taking marijuana in the form of inhalation, i.e. by smoking the so-called a joint will significantly reduce the severity of the vomiting-inducing nausea that is a side effect of chemotherapy. Medicinal marijuana also helps to deal with other complications of this method of treatment - it significantly improves reduced appetite, which in many cases turns into anorexia, which is dangerous to health, and also has a positive effect on the patient's well-being, significantly improving his mood